ADR-107: Decentraland RPC Streams

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This document describes the changes for Decentraland RPC (@dcl/rpc) in the streams.


The current implementation of the RPC Streams works, confirming with an ack=true every message that is sent from the Server. It's like the Client requesting the messages of the Server.

Current implementation sequence:

  participant C as Client
  participant S as Server
  C->>S: Request {message_id}
  S->>C: Response {message_id,streaming=true,seqId=0}
  C->>C: Generate async iterator for {message_id}
  C->>S: StreamMessage {ack=true,message_id,seqId=0}
  note over C: Ask for a new item to be generated using ack=true
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=1}
  C->>S: StreamMessage {ack=true,message_id,seqId=1}
  note over C: Close the message by responding<br/>the last ACK with ack=true,closed=true
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=2}
  C->>S: StreamMessage {ack=true,message_id,seqId=2,closed=true}
  S->>S: Close async Generator
  C->>C: Close async Iterator
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,closed=true}
  C->>C: Close async iterator

The main idea of this implementation is to forget about the possible congestion that the transport can have. And generate messages at the time that is being requested.

But with this implementation, we can't send a continuous sequence of messages from the Server to the Client or vice-versa. And the streams are very slow due to the waiting sequence. This document will refer to this implementation as the stream with ack from now on.


Having this in mind, this proposal wants to change how streams work and have a use-case like the stream with ack but using bidirectional streams.

The main idea is to have:

(TODO) Server sends stream to client (with ACKs)

Server sends stream to client (without ACKs)

The client makes a request, and the Server starts sending messages independently. The server receives a CloseStream message when the client decides to stop consuming the stream.

  participant C as Client
  participant S as Server
  C->>S: Request {message_id,payload}
  S->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,streaming=true,seqId=0}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=1}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=2}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=3}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=n}
  note over C: On closing stream
  C->>S: CloseStream {message_id}
  S->>C: CloseStreamAck {message_id}

Protobuf specification for Server Stream:

service SomeService {
  rpc ServerStream(Request) returns (stream StreamResponse)

(TODO) Client sends stream, server sends unary response (with ACK)

Client sends stream, server sends unary response (without ACK)

It is a stream generated in the client and consumed by the server. It works exactly like Server Stream, but the other way around.

Some considerations are needed for client streams:

The client stream MAY continue producing messages until the server sends the CloseClientStream message back to the client.

  participant C as Client
  participant S as Server
  C->>S: Request {message_id,payload,streaming=true}

  alt Consume client stream
    S->>C: OpenClientStream {message_id,streaming=true,seqId=0}
    C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=1}
    C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=2}
    C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=3}
    C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=n}
    alt close from server
      note over S: stream.close()
      S-->>C: CloseClientStream {message_id}
    else finishes client side
      C-->>S: CloseClientStream {message_id}
      note over S: stream.close()
  S->>C: Response {message_id,streaming=true,seqId=0}

Protobuf specification for Client Stream:

service SomeService {
  rpc ClientStream (stream StreamRequest) returns (Response)

Bidirectional stream

In the case of Bidirectional streams, the Client and the Server can send messages independently without but not limited to synchronization between streams.

Some considerations for bidirectional streams:

  participant C as Client
  participant S as Server
  C->>S: Request {message_id,payload}
  S->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,streaming=true,seqId=0}
  C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=1}
  C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=2}
  C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=n}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=1}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=2}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=n}
  note over S: On closing stream
  S->>C: CloseStream {message_id}
  C->>S: CloseStreamAck {message_id}

Protobuf specification for Bidirectional Streams:

service {
  rpc ClientStream(stream StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse)

Bidirectional Stream (the stream with ack)

If the developer wants to have a behaviour like the stream with ack. It can just send a StreamMessage after you receive one of them. Like this sequence diagram describes:

  participant C as Client
  participant S as Server
  C->>S: Request {message_id,payload}
  S->>C: Response {message_id,streaming=true,seqId=0}
  C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=1}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,ack=true,seqId=1}
  C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=2}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,ack=true,seqId=2}
  C-->>S: StreamMessage {message_id,payload,seqId=n}
  S-->>C: StreamMessage {message_id,ack=true,seqId=n}
  note over S: On closing stream
  S->>C: CloseStream {message_id}
  C->>S: CloseStreamAck {message_id}


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